What are your credentials?
I am licensed to practice psychotherapy in Georgia. Please visit my About page for more information.

Is everything we discuss confidential?
Anything you share with me is completely confidential, except in case you are a danger to yourself or others, you report abuse of a child, elderly, or disabled person, or you direct me to disclose information to someone else (you sign a “Release of Information” form).

Do I need to fill out any forms?
Once we set up an initial appointment, you will receive an email with all the forms that you will be required to complete.

What is your cancelation policy?
Fit Mind Counseling has a 24-hour cancellation policy. You will be financially responsible for a $100 “no-show” fee for any sessions you miss or cancel with less than 24-hour notice unless it is due to a legitimate emergency.

How does payment work?
My practice is NOT in-network with any insurance companies. Payments are due at the time of service. I accept cash, checks, HSA, and credit cards.  

Do you provide a superbill?
If you would like to utilize your insurance to cover a portion of the cost of my services, I will gladly provide you with a “superbill,” a statement for your insurance company. It is your responsibility to check your provider’s policies (out-of-network benefits) and to file for insurance reimbursement.

Legal Notifications


American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT)
Society for Sex Therapy & Research (SSTAR) 

Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSS)

American Counseling Association (ACA)